This Week
Kapistahan ng Corpus Christi Malaking Okasyon sa Maynila
Barangay at SK Eleksiyon Tuloy nang Di Itutuloy
Ihanda na ang mga Eskwela - Atienza
BEFORE SUNDAYS: Mga Pagbasa para sa Corpus Christi Sunday
BITS AND BOBS: A Rose for Others
TANGGERO: Si Cristo sa Umaga, Si Cristy Sa Gabi
FORWARDED: Dalawang Atoms
CINEMA : May The Force Be With You
Tagumpay ng Kapistahan ng Corpus Christi
Ipinatitiyak ni Rosales
Mga Vicar Forane Pinakilos
By Bobby Halili
Inatasan ni Manila Archbishop Gaudencio B. Rosales ang lahat ng Vicar Forane sa buong Archdiocese of Manila upang tiyaking magiging matagumpay at makahulugan ang pagdiriwang ng Kapistahan ng Katawan at Dugo ni Kristo o Corpus Christi sa Mayo 28 at 29, 2005.
Sa kanyang kautusan, nais ng Arsobispo na magkaroon ng aktibong partisipasyon ang mga Vicariates at ang mga parokyang bumubuo nito sa nasabing pagdiriwang .
Muling ipinaalala ng Arzopizpado ang mga palatuntunang inihanda upang patingkarin ang selebrasyon ng Corpus Christi ngayong Taon ng Eukaristiya.
May 28
(Sta. Cruz Church, Sta. Cruz, Manila)
1:00 – 5:00 p.m. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Conferences on the Eucharist and Mary
5:00 p.m. Mass
6:00 p.m. Eucharistic Procession from Sta. Cruz Church to the Manila Cathedral in Intramuros
8:00 p.m. Start of Overnight Vigil (by Vicariates) at the Manila Cathedral
May 29
Manila Cathedral
7:00 a.m. Mass
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Baranggay at SK Eleksiyon Tuloy ng Di Itutuloy
BARANGAY and Sangguniang Kabataan (SK) officials are looking at an extended term of office after a joint House panel agreed to reset the date of the next Barangay and SK elections to 2008.
The Committees on Local Government and on Suffrage and Electoral Reforms, respectively chaired by Representatives Emilio Macias II (2nd District, Negros Oriental) and Teodoro Locsin Jr. (1st District, Makati City), in today’s meeting, decided to reset the date of the next barangay and SK elections from the last Monday of October 2005 to the second Monday of May 2008. The postponement in effect amends Republic Act 9164, or the law providing for synchronized Barangay and SK elections. (congress.gov.ph)
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Ihanda na ang mga Eskwela - AtienzaManila Mayor Lito Atienza yesterday ordered a citywide inventory of public school equipment and facilities to ensure the readiness of the city's public school system when schools open next month.
The Mayor ordered the Manila Division of City Schools (DCS) Superintendent Ma. Luisa Quinones to require all school principals to conduct ocular inspections of their respective schools and to do what needs to be done to ensure that facilities and equipment are in good condition and all other requirements are provided for when hundreds of thousands of public school students return to their classrooms.
The Mayor instructed Quinones to pay particular attention to toilets and make sure schools have adequate water supply in order to preserve public hygiene. Breeding places of mosquitoes and other disease-carrying insects must also be cleaned out for the safety of the students and the teachers as well.
"And while we're at it, also a good time to revisit school canteen facilities and make sure they comply with the highest standards of food safety and cleanliness," the Mayor said, recalling of food poisoning of students in other places in recent months.
Finally, to avoid the usual enrolment red tape and school opening day headaches, the Mayor urged school authorities to effect an early information campaign for parents and students on admission requirements in city public schools.
The Mayor's directiveness includes four (4) elementary schools and four (4) high schools in Gagalangin. (
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Lanciano, Italy:
Tinapay at Alak Naging Tunay na Laman at Dugo
Isang Pagbabalik Tanaw
Ancient Anxanum, the city of the Frentanese, has contained for over twelve centuries the first and greatest Eucharistic Miracle of the Catholic Church. This wondrous Event took place in the 8th century A.D. in the little Church of St. Legontian, as a divine response to a Basilian monk's doubt about Jesus' Real Presence in the Eucharist.
During Holy Mass, after the two-fold consecration, the host was changed into live Flesh and the wine was changed into live Blood, which coagulated into five globules, irregular and differing in shape and size.
The Host-Flesh, as can be very distinctly observed today, has the same dimensions as the large host used today in the Latin church; it is light brown and appears rose-colored when lighted from the back.
The Blood is coagulated and has an earthy color resembling the yellow of ochre.
Various ecclesiastical investigation ("Recognitions") were conducted since 1574.
In 1970-'71 and taken up again partly in 1981 there took place a scientific investigation by the most illustrious scientist Prof. Odoardo Linoli, eminent Professor in Anatomy and Pathological Histology and in Chemistry and Clinical Microscopy. He was assisted by Prof. Ruggero Bertelli of the University of Siena.
The analyses were conducted with absolute and unquestionable scientific precision and they were documented with a series of microscopic photographs.
These analyses sustained the following conclusions:
The Flesh is real Flesh. The Blood is real Blood.
The Flesh and the Blood belong to the human species.
The Flesh consists of the muscular tissue of the heart.
In the Flesh we see present in section: the myocardium, the endocardium, the vagus nerve and also the left ventricle of the heart for the large thickness of the myocardium.
The Flesh is a "HEART" complete in its essential structure.
The Flesh and the Blood have the same blood-type: AB (Blood-type identical to that which Prof. Baima Bollone uncovered in the Holy Shroud of Turin).
In the Blood there were found proteins in the same normal proportions (percentage-wise) as are found in the sero-proteic make-up of the fresh normal blood.
In the Blood there were also found these minerals: chlorides, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, sodium and calcium.
The preservation of the Flesh and of the Blood, which were left in their natural state for twelve centuries and exposed to the action of atmospheric and biological agents, remains an extraordinary phenomenon.
Fig. 1
Fig. 1 - Eosine x 200. Overall histological aspect of a Flesh sample with fibers collected in bundles with longitudinal orientation as it occurs in the outer surface layers of the heart.
Fig. 2
Fig. 2 - Miracle Heart in Lanciano. Mallory x 250. An artery and, very close, a branch of the vagal nerve.
Fig. 3
Fig. 3 - Miracle Heart in Lanciano. Mallory x 400. Evidence of the "Rough" aspect of the endocardium; the syncytoid structure of the myocardial tissue
Fig. 4
Fig. 4 - Elution-absorption test x 80. Above: Hemagglutination test on blood sample in Lanciano: on the left, anti A serum used; on the right, anti-B serum. Below: hemoagglutination test on a Flesh sample in Lanciano: left, with anti-A serum, right,with anti-B serum. It appears thus that the Flesh and the Blood in Lanciano belong to AB blood group.
Fig. 5
Fig. 5 - Electro-phoretic pattern of Blood proteins (Cromoscan photometer). The profile of serum fractions is normal and superimposable to that of a fresh serum sample.
In conclusion, it may be said that Science, when called upon to testify, has given a certain and thorough response as regards the authenticity of the Eucharistic Miracle of Lanciano.
( Source: therealpresence.org )
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A holy hour before the blessed sacrament
Eucharistic and Marian Year
Part I
Let us Adore the Lord!
Introductory Prayers (Kneel)
Leader: Who has the right to climb the mountain of Yahweh, who has the right to stand in his holy place? He whose hands are clean, whose heart is pure, whose soul does not pay homage to worthless things, and who never swears to a lie. The blessing of Yahweh is his, and vindication from God, his saviour. Such are the people who seek him, who seek your presence, God of Jacob! (Ps 24:3-6)
(Moment of silent adoration and examination of conscience)
Come, let us adore(Ps 95:1-9) (Stand)
Leader: Come, let us adore Jesus in the Eucharist!
All: Come let us adore Jesus in the Eucharist!
Leader: Come, ring out our joy to the Lord, hail the God who saves us. Let us come before him, giving thanks; with song, let us hail the Lord!
All: Come, let us adore Jesus in the Eucharist!
Leader: A mighty God is the Lord, a great king above all gods. In his hands are the depths of the earth; the heights of the mountains are his. To him belongs the sea, for he made, and the dry land shaped by his hands.
All: Come, let us adore Jesus in the Eucharist!
Leader: Come in! Let us bow and bend low; let us kneel before the Lord who made us, for he is our God, and we the people who belong to his pasture, the flock that is led by his hand.
All: Come, let us adore Jesus in the Eucharist!
Leader: O that today you would listen to his voice: "Harden not your hearts as at Meribah,
as on that day at Massah in the desert, when your fathers put me to the test; when they tried me, though they saw my work.”
All: Come, let us adore Jesus in the Eucharist!
Act of Adoration (Kneel)
Leader: Jesus, our God,
All: We adore you, here present in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, where You wait day and night, to be our comfort while we look forward to Your unveiled Presence in heaven.
Jesus, our God, we adore You in all places where the Blessed Sacrament is reserved, especially where You are less honored, and where sins are committed against this Sacrament of Love.
Jesus, our God, we adore You for all time, past, present and future, for every soul that ever was, is, or shall be created.
Jesus, our God, who for us has endured hunger and cold, labor and fatigue, we adore You.
Jesus, our God, who for our sake has deigned to subject Yourself to the humiliation of temptation,to the perfidy and defection of friends,to the scorn of Your enemies, we adore You.
Jesus, our God who for us has endured the buffetings of your Passion,the scourging, the crown of thorns,the heavy weight of the cross, we adore you.
Jesus our God, who for our salvation,and that of all mankind was cruelly nailed to the Cross,hung thereon for three long hours in bitter agony we adore.
Jesus, our God, who for love of us,did institute this Blessed Sacrament does offer Yourself daily for the sins of men, we adore You.
Jesus, our God, who in Holy Communion becomes the food of our souls, we adore You.
Jesus, I live for you, Jesus, I die for you, Jesus,I am yours, in life and in death. Amen
Reading(All Sit Down)
Ez 34:11-16
A reading from the book of the Prophet Ezekiel Thus says the Lord God: I myself will look after and tend my sheep. As a shepherd tends his flock when he finds himself among his scattered sheep, so will I tend my sheep. I will rescue them every place where they were scattered when it was cloudy and dark. I will lead them out from among the peoples and gather them from foreign lands; I will bring them back to their own country and pasture them upon the mountains of Israel (in the land’s ravines and all its inhabited places). In good pastures will I pasture them, and on the mountain heights of Israel shall be their grazing ground. There they shall lie down on good grazing ground, and in rich pastures shall they be pastured on the mountains of Israel. I myself will pasture my sheep; I myself will give them rest, says the Lord God. The injured I will bind up, the sick I will heal (but the sleek and the strong I will destroy), shepherding them rightly.
The word of the Lord.
All: Thanks be to God.
(Some moments of silent reflection)
Hymn: (All Stand)
Ang Panginoon ay Aking Pastol
KORO: Ang Panginoon ang aking Pastol,
Pinagiginhawa akong lubos.
1. Handog n’yang himlaya’y sariwang pastulan,
ang pahingahan ko’y payapang batisan.
Hatid sa kaluluwa ay kaginhawan,
sa tumpak na landas, siya ang patnubay. (KORO)
2. Madilim na lambak man ang tatahakin ko,
wala akong sindak, siya’y kasama ko.
Ang hawak n’yang tungkod ang siyang gabay ko,
Tangan n’yang pamalo, sigla’t tanggulan ko. (KORO)
Part II
Meditating on the Mystery of the Eucharist
Gospel (All Stand)
Jn 13:1-17
Now he showed how perfect was his love
+ A reading from the holy Gospel according to John
Before the feast of Passover, Jesus realized that the hour had come for him to pass from this world to the Father. He had loved his own in this world, and would show his love for them to the end. The devil had already induced Judas, son of Simon Iscariot, to hand Jesus over; and so, during the supper, Jesus — fully aware that he had come from God and was going to God, the Father who had handed everything over to him — rose from the meal and took off his cloak. He picked up a towel and tied it around himself. Then he poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciples’ feet and dry them with the towel he had around him. Thus he came to Simon Peter, who said to him, “Lord, are you going to wash my feet?” Jesus answered, “You may not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand.” Peter replied, “You shall never wash my feet!” “If I do not wash you,” Jesus answered, “you will have no share in my heritage.” “Lord,” Simon Peter said to him, “then not only my feet, but my hands and head as well.” Jesus told him, “The man who has bathed has no need to wash [except for his feet]; he is entirely cleansed, just as you are; though not all.” (The reason he said, “Not all are washed clean,” was that he knew his betrayer.)
After he had washed their feet, he put his cloak back on and reclined at table once more. He said to them:
"Do you understand what I just did for you? You address me as ‘Teacher’ and ‘Lord,’
and fittingly enough, for that is what I am.But if I washed your feet – I who am Teacher and Lord –then you must wash each other’s feet. What I just did was to give you an example: as I have done, so you must do."I solemnly assure you, no slave is greater than his master; no messenger outranks the one who sent him. Once you know all these things,blest will you be if you put them into practice.
The Gospel of the Lord.
R. Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
REFLECTION (All sit down)
Ecclesia de Eucharistia
The presider may give a brief reflection, or the following reflection may be read, or, in place of the reflection, a prayerful silence may be observed.
Let us listen to the Encyclical Letter, Ecclesia de Eucharistia, of Pope John Paul II on the Eucharist in its Relationship to the Church
"The Lord Jesus on the night he was betrayed” (1 Cor 11:23) instituted the Eucharistic Sacrifice of his body and his blood. The words of the Apostle Paul bring us back to the dramatic setting in which the Eucharist was born. The Eucharist is indelibly marked by the event of the Lord’s passion and death, of which it is not only a reminder but the sacramental re-presentation. It is the sacrifice of the Cross perpetuated down the ages. This truth is well expressed by the words with which the assembly in the Latin rite responds to the priest’s proclamation of the “Mystery of Faith”: “We announce your death, O Lord”.
The Church has received the Eucharist from Christ her Lord not as one gift however precious among so many others, but as the gift par excellence, for it is the gift of himself, of his person in his sacred humanity, as well as the gift of his saving work. Nor does it remain confined to the past, since “all that Christ is all that he did and suffered for all men participates in the divine eternity, and so transcends all times.”
When the Church celebrates the Eucharist, the memorial of her Lord’s death and resurrection, this central event of salvation becomes really present and “the work of our redemption is carried out.” This sacrifice is so decisive for the salvation of the human race that Jesus Christ offered it and returned to the Father only after he had left us a means of sharing in it as if we had been present there. Each member of the faithful can thus take part in it and inexhaustibly gain its fruits. This is the faith from which generations of Christians down the ages have lived. The Church’s Magisterium has constantly reaffirmed this faith with joyful gratitude for its inestimable gift. I wish once more to recall this truth and to join you, my dear brothers and sisters, in adoration before this mystery: a great mystery, a mystery of mercy. What more could Jesus have done for us? Truly, in the Eucharist, he shows us a love which goes “to the end” (cf. Jn 13:1), a love which knows no measure.
This aspect of the universal charity of the Eucharistic Sacrifice is based on the words of the Saviour himself. In instituting it, he did not merely say: “This is my body”, “this is my blood”, but went on to add: “which is given for you”, “which is poured out for you” (Lk 22:19-20). Jesus did not simply state that what he was giving them to eat and drink was his body and his blood; he also expressed its sacrificial meaning and made sacramentally present his sacrifice which would soon be offered on the Cross for the salvation of all. “The Mass is at the same time, and inseparably, the sacrificial memorial in which the sacrifice of the Cross is perpetuated and the sacred banquet of communion with the Lord’s body and blood”.
The Church constantly draws her life from the redeeming sacrifice; she approaches it not only through faith-filled remembrance, but also through a real contact, since this sacrifice is made present ever anew, sacramentally perpetuated, in every community which offers it at the hands of the consecrated minister. The Eucharist thus applies to men and women today the reconciliation won once for all by Christ for mankind in every age. “The sacrifice of Christ and the sacrifice of the Eucharist are one single sacrifice”. Saint John Chrysostom put it well: “We always offer the same Lamb, not one today and another tomorrow, but always the same one. For this reason the sacrifice is always only one... Even now we offer that victim who was once offered and who will never be consumed”.
The Mass makes present the sacrifice of the Cross; it does not add to that sacrifice nor does it multiply it. What is repeated is its memorial celebration, its “commemorative representation” (memorialis demonstratio), which makes Christ’s one, definitive redemptive sacrifice always present in time. The sacrificial nature of the Eucharistic mystery cannot therefore be understood as something separate, independent of the Cross or only indirectly referring to the sacrifice of Calvary.
(Silent Reflection)
ACCLAMATION(Jn 6:35, 53-58) (Stand)
Leader: I am the bread of life.
All: I am the bread of life.
Leader: He who comes to me will never be hungry; he who believes in me will never thirst.
All: I am the bread of life.
Leader: I tell you most solemnly: if you do not eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you will not have life in you.
All: I am the bread of life.
Leader: Anyone who does eat my flesh and drink my blood, has eternal life, and I shall raise him up on the last day.
All: I am the bread of life.
Leader: For my flesh is real food, and my blood is real drink.
All: I am the bread of life.
Leader: He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood lives in me, and I live in him.
All: I am the bread of life.
Leader: As I, who am sent by the living Father, myself draw life from the Father, so whoever eats me will draw life from me.
All: I am the bread of life.
Leader: This is the bread come down from heaven: anyone who eats this bread will live for ever.
All: I am the bread of life.
(Silent Reflection)
Part III
An Offering of Prayers
Leader: Let us pray that our presence here may be acceptable to God the Almighty Father.
All: May the Lord, who has called us to his presence, welcome us, listen to our prayers,
and bring us closer to himself.
HYMN (Stand)
Isang Pagkain, Isang Katawan, Isang Bayan
1. Katulad ng mga butil na tinitipon,
upang maging tinapay na nagbibigay-buhay.
Kami nawa’y matipon din at maging bayan mong giliw
KORO: Iisang Panginoon, iisang Katawan,
Isang bayan, isang lahing sa ’yo’y nagpupugay. (Ulitin)
2. Katulad din ng mga ubas na piniga at naging alak:
sino mang uminom nito: “may buhay na walang hanggan.”
Kami nawa’y maging sangkap sa pagbuo nitong bayang liyag. (KORO)
Leader: “I give you a new commandment: love one another. Just as I have loved you, You also must love one another” (Jn 13:34).
All: I give you a new commandment.
Leader: “Do not judge, and you will not be judged” (Mt 7:1). "Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned” (Lk 6.37).
All: I give you a new commandment.
Leader: “Why do you observe the splinter in your brother’s eye, and never notice the plank in your own?” (Mt 7:3)
All: I give you a new commandment.
Leader: “If you forgive others their failings, your heavenly Father will forgive you yours” (Mt 6:14).
All: I give you a new commandment.
Leader: “Love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you” (Mt 5:44).
All: I give you a new commandment.
Leader: “If you only love those who love you, what right have you to claim any credit?” (Mt 5:46)
All: I give you a new commandment.
Leader: “Always treat others as you would like them to treat you” (Mt 7:12).
All: I give you a new commandment.
Leader: “If you are bringing your offering to the altar, and there remember that your brother
has something against you, leave your offering there before the altar, go and be reconciled with your brother first, and then come back and present your offering” (Mt 5:23-24).
All: I give you a new commandment.
Leader: “Be compassionate as your Father is compassionate” (Lk 6:36).
All: I give you a new commandment.
Leader: “In so far as you did this to one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did it to me” (Mt 25:40).
All: I give you a new commandment.
Leader: “By this love you have for one another everyone will know that you are my disciples” (Jn 13:35).
All: I give you a new commandment: love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also must love one another.
Leader: “If you ask for anything in my name, I will do it” (Jn 14:14). In the spirit of the new commandment, and in the name of Jesus, let us now pray for the needs of the world and of the Church.
All: Lord, we ask this in your name.
Leader: For your servant, and the servant of your servants, Pope Benedict XVI: that he may have the fortitude to be a witness of faith, and a voice of love and truth, to the world;
All: Lord, we ask this in your name.
Leader: For all bishops and priests: that they may lead your people
in the true ways of the Gospel;
All: Lord, we ask this in your name.
Leader: For all consecrated souls: that they live up to the commitment of their consecration;
All: Lord, we ask this in your name.
Leader: For vocations to the priesthood and the religious life: may they be plentiful and holy;
All: Lord, we ask this in your name.
Leader: For truly committed lay apostles: that they be leaven to the world;
All: Lord, we ask this in your name.
Leader: For all Catholics: that their lives be always in accordance with the teachings of the Church;
All: Lord, we ask this in your name.
Leader: For union, love and cooperation amongst all Christians;
All: Lord, we ask this in your name.
Leader: For non-believers: that they may come to know Christ;
All: Lord, we ask this in your name.
Leader: For those who work for the cause of peace and justice in the world: that their efforts be rewarded with success;
All: Lord, we ask this in your name.
Leader: For the poor: that they find a remedy for their material needs and live in richness of spirit;
All: Lord, we ask this in your name.
Leader: For the jobless: that decent and meaningful employment be made available to them;
All: Lord, we ask this in your name.
Leader: For the sick: that they be given healing of body and mind;
All: Lord, we ask this in your name.
Leader: For our dead: that they be granted the fullness of life promised to those who believe in Christ;
All: Lord, we ask this in your name.
Leader: For the whole world: that all things in it may be renewed, and so become a new creation in Christ;
All: Lord, we ask this in your name.
Leader: For all of us gathered here today: that as we are now physically present before you, we may always be present in heart and spirit before the Father;
All: Lord, we ask this in your name.
Leader: For those we have offended, and for those who have offended us: that reconciliation be effected and friendship and love restored;
All: Lord, we ask this in your name.
Leader: For private, family and public morality;
All: Lord, we ask this in your name.
Leader: For the Pro-Life Movement: may it grow strong all over the world, so t hat we may see an end to the abominable crime of abortion;
All: Lord, we ask this in your name.
Leader: For honesty, integrity and transparency in public officials and institutions;
All: Lord, we ask this in your name.
Leader: For an end to graft and corruption in society;
All: Lord, we ask this in your name.
Leader: For our country: that it may for ever remain faithful to the Faith of our fathers;
All: Lord, we ask this in your name.
Leader: For our families: may they be truly Christian;
All: Lord, we ask this in your name.
Leader: For our children: that they grow as citizens of this country and as children of God;
All: Lord, we ask this in your name.
Leader: For our youth: that as they venture into the world, the light of the Gospel may always guide them;
All: Lord, we ask this in your name.
Leader: For endangered marriages and broken families: that love and understanding may unite them again;
All: Lord, we ask this in your name.
Leader: For our elderly: that they may face the future in serenity and peace;
All: Lord, we ask this in your name.
Leader: Let us now pray silently for our personal intentions... (brief pause)
We ask all this in the name of Jesus our Lord;
All: Amen.
Prayer for the National Eucharistic and Marian Year
Lord Jesus Christ,
We celebrate a year of grace,
a year we dedicate to the Holy Eucharist
and to the Blessed Virgin Mary, your Mother.
We need to experience as a nation
the transforming power of the Eucharist
and the loving care of Mary, our Mother.
For we are a wounded people,
wounded by political conflicts and tribal wars,
wounded by unjust socio-economic divisions,
wounded by corruption and moral degeneration.
Lord Jesus Christ,
as often as we celebrate the Holy Eucharist,
we remember how much you love us.
Let the Eucharist help us to work together as a people
so that in every home, barangay, town and city
all may live in a culture of peace, unity and renewal.
May the prayer of Mary, our Mother, accompany us
as we journey together in this year of grace
toward national healing and reconciliation.
Lord Jesus Christ,
we believe in the transforming power of the Eucharist
and we trust in loving care of Mary, our Mother:
grant them in your tender mercy
what we ask for in faith, hope and love. Amen.
Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us.
Saint Lorenzo Ruiz, pray for us.
That in all things God may be glorified.
Leader: I will sing forever of the love of the Lord.
All: Through all ages my mouth shall proclaim his truth.
Leader: Let us now, together with Jesus and in his own words, pray:
All: Our Father in heaven, holy be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as in heaven. Give us today our daily bread, forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Do not bring us to the test, but deliver us from evil.
Part IV
HYMN (Latin or English) (Kneel)
Tantum ergo sacramentum veneremur cernui
et antiquum documentum novo caedat ritui;
praestet fides supplementum
sensuum defectui.
Genitori Genitoque laus et jubilatio;
salus, honor virtus quoque sit et benedictio;
Procedenti ab utroque compar sit laudatio.
Humbly let us voice our homage
For so great a sacrament;
Let all former rites surrender
To the Lord’s New Testament.
What our senses fail to fathom,
Let us grasp through Faith’s consent!
Glory, honor, adoration
Let us sing with one accord!
Praised be God, almighty Father;
Praised be Christ, His Son, our Lord;
Praised be God the Holy Spirit;
Triune Godhead be adored. Amen.
PRAYER (Kneel)
Leader: You have given them bread from heaven.
All: Containing in itself all sweetness.
Leader: O God, who under this wonderful sacrament have left us a memorial of your Passion:
Grant that we may so venerate the sacred mysteries of your Body and Blood, that we may always feel within ourselves the effects of your redemption; You who live and reign with God the Father in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God forever and ever.
All: Amen.
Prayer of PRAISES (Kneel)
Leader: Body of Christ conceived of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
All: To you be praise and glory forever.
Body of Christ, sacrificed on the cross:
To you be praise and glory forever.
Body of Christ, risen from the tomb:
To you be praise and glory forever.
Body of Christ, price of our ransom
To you be praise and glory forever.
Body of Christ, seal of the new alliance:
To you be praise and glory forever.
Body of Christ, drink of eternal life:
To you be praise and glory forever.
Heart of Christ, pierced through with the lance:
To you be praise and glory forever.
Heart of Christ, rich in mercy:
To you be praise and glory forever.
Heart of Christ, source of love:
To you be praise and glory forever.
Living bread come down from heaven:
Give us your salvation.
Living word of the Father:
Give us your salvation.
Bridegroom of the Holy Church:
Give us your salvation.
Redeemer of the world:
Give us your salvation.
Bridegroom of the Holy Church:
Give us your salvation.
Friend of the young and poor:
Give us your salvation.
When you come on the last day:
Give us your salvation.
We offer our lives to the Lord above.
We offer our hopes for it’s Jesus we love.
And now as we pray
May the Lord come and say
That we’ll share in his glory one day.
We offer our hopes everyday we live.
We know without Christ
We have nothing to give.
So now as we pray
May the Lord come and say
That we’ll share in his glory one day.
Leader: Let us go in peace to love and serve the Lord in his people.
All: Thanks be to God!
( Source: rcam.org )
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May The Force Be With You

Moral Aspect : Acceptable
Technical : Average
Piloting a fighter craft, friends Anakin Skywalker Hayden Christensen) and Obi-Wan Kenobi (Ewan McGregor) dare to rescue Chancellor Palpatine (Ian McDiarmid) who has been captured by the rebel Gen. Grievous. Complications arise when back with the Jedi Council, Anakin discovers that he will still not be named a Jedi Master despite his daring and bravery. The Council wants Anakin to spy on Palpatine whom it distrusts, while Palpatine wants him to spy on the Council. He also learns that Padme (Natalie Portman) whom he has married in a previous episode, is pregnant. Anakin is consumed by his darker side, sacrifices all he holds dear, even his soul, in order to attain power.
If you have been following Star Wars from its 1977 debut five films ago, you'll find it easier to understand Star Wars Episode III:The Revenge of the Sith, as it represents the crowning conclusion to George Lucas's it's-written-in-the-stars achievement. The film seals the galactic saga that portrays the rise, fall and redemption of Darth Vader. The story is compelling, if only for the struggle in Anakin's being, although the dialogue leaves much to be desired. Actors Christensen and Portman seem to have grown into their roles, delivering more convincing performances than before. But most of all, this episode delivers astounding visuals meticulously executed to the last detail. This has been the cutting edge magnet that attracts Star Wars fan to the box office, and this time Lucas even outdoes himself, offering a spectacle that from a purely visual standpoint would be hard to match in film history.
When all that eye-popping show of force (pardon the pun) is over and done with, the viewer may do well to ask if entertainment such as Star Wars Episode III:The Revenge of the Sith, should be shown to all regardless of age, intelligence or emotional readiness. Just like most cartoons that are passed off as "kiddie stuff" or children's entertainment, Star Wars (and its likes) could contain dangers not readily perceived by the mind that merely seeks to be entertained. (Remember Power Puff Girls which CINEMA dubbed as violent?) The extreme violence in Star Wars Episode III:The Revenge of the Sith may under the circumstances be shrugged off as a "natural" for a movie of this genre—would that be healthy in the long run? Would all Star Wars fans or viewers be able to discern the evil in a film or would the question of morality simply be sidetracked for the visual feast that the film offers? ("Never mind who killed for what; I got my kicks watching dog fights in deep space!")
( Source: cbcpworld.com/cinema )
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(Wholesome gimik tayo, Gagalanginenos!!!)
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"O Lord, we cannot go to the pool of Siloe to which you sent the blind man. But we have the chalice of Your Precious Blood, filled with life and light. The purer we are, the more we receive."
- St. Ephraem

Bilang isang bayan, sama-sama nating buoin ang proyektong ito.
This Week
Kapistahan ng Corpus Christi Malaking Okasyon sa Maynila
Ragnarok Fanatics Bilang na ang Oras
BEFORE SUNDAYS: Mga Pagbasa para sa Trinity Sunday
BITS AND BOBS: A Rose for Others
TANGGERO: Respetadong Opisyal ngGagalangin Lulong Pa Rin Sa Sugal
FORWARDED: Dalawang Atoms
INFO ISANG MINUTO: Si Bianang at Lucena
Kapistahan ng Corpus Christi
Malaking Okasyon sa Maynila
By Bobby Halili
Isang circular ang ipinalabas ni Manila Archbishop Gaudencio B. Rosales sa lahat ng mananampalatayang Katoliko sa buong Archdiocese of Manila upang makibahagi sa pagdiriwang ng Kapistahan ng Katawan at Dugo ni Kristo o Corpus Christi sa Mayo 28 at 29, 2005.
Binigyang diin ng Arsobispo na ibinigay umano ng Panginoon ang Kanyang Sarili sa atin sa Eukaristiya. Mangyari nawang ang pagdalo natin sa selebrasyong ito ang isa sa maging tugon natin sa pagpapakasakit ni Kristo.
Narito ang programang inihanda ng Archdiocese:
May 28
(Sta. Cruz Church, Sta. Cruz, Manila)
1:00 – 5:00 p.m. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Conferences on the Eucharist and Mary
5:00 p.m. Mass
6:00 p.m. Eucharistic Procession from Sta. Cruz Church to the Manila Cathedral in Intramuros
8:00 p.m. Start of Overnight Vigil (by Vicariates) at the Manila Cathedral
May 29
Manila Cathedral
7:00 a.m. Mass
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Ragnarok Fanatics Bilang na ang Oras
Ragnarok fanatics shall soon find their playing days in video arcades near schools numbered.
Rep. Faysah RPM Dumarpa (1st Dist., Lanao del Sur) has filed a bill prohibiting the establishment of video arcades and similar establishments near educational institutions.
Dumarpa said the presence of these video arcades within the vicinity of learning institutions entices students to miss their classes and instead flock to these computer centers to play Internet games such as the famous Ragnarok.
"These students hooked on these games forget everything once they start playing these games. They lose track of time, they lose focus on their studies," Dumarpa said.
Dumarpa said that despite efforts of local governments to regulate the operation of these video arcades by passing ordinances, computer and internet gaming centers and the like continue to operate within the restricted zones set around schools.
"There's nothing constructive in these games of leisure. No wonder our quality of education has diminished," Dumarpa said.
Under House Bill 1858, it shall be unlawful for any individual to establish video arcades, internet gaming stations, billiard halls and other similar establishment near educational institutions.
Dumarpa said establishments that shall not comply with the provisions of this measure shall suffer the penalty of arresto menor or a fine of P200 to P2, 000 or both.
"The penalty might not be that severe but it is hoped that with the passage of this measure, the number of students who are addicted to computer games will lessen," Dumarpa added.( Vicki Palomar, PRID )
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Simula nang awitin niya ang Bituing Marikit ni Nicanor Abelardo sa isa sa mga okasyon sa Parokya, naging tatak na ng mamang ito ang awiting ito. Bakit nga ba?
Paulit-ulit kong pinakinggan ang awit at sinikap alamin kung ano ang kaugnayan nito kay Pietro Bernardino Samaniego Albano. May kalumaan ito. Kaya ba siya tinawag na Manong Piet ay dahil may pagka-antigo ang kanyang mga nakahiligan?
Bituing marikit sa gabi ng buhay
Ang bawat kislap mo’y ligaya ang taglay
Yaring aking palad iyong patnubayan
At kahit na sinag ako’y bahaginan
Habang umuusad ang awit ay unti-unti ko rin naunawaan kung bakit masyadong "na-identify kay Piet ang kanta. Nang likhain ang awit noong 1926 ay musmos pa ang Pilipinas. Kung kailan ang mga tao ay magagalang pa, mapagmahal sa magulang, may pagmamalasakit sa pamilya at sa kapwa, madasalin, pala-aral at may dignidad.
Ang mga katangiang ito ay taglay pa rin ni Pietro hanggang sa ngayon. Hindi ito kathang-isip lamang. Ito ay handang panindigan ng mga taong naging kabahagi ng kanyang buhay, maging ito man ay sa kanilang mag-anak, sa paaralan, sa simbahan at ngayon ay sa Inglatera.
Sa mata ng Anluwage, ang aming Manong Piet ay sagot sa aming mga katanungan, ang Gagalangin Historian, ang aming ngiti, ang ating awtor ng nag-iisang dulang musikal tungkol sa buhay ni San Jose, ang "Pitong Hapis, Pitong Tuwa, ang aming huwaran tulad ng kanyang idolo na si San Jose - gawa higit sa salita.
Ngayong taon na ito, ika-20 ng Mayo, ay kanyang ipinagdiriwang ang kanyang ikatlong dekada sa mundo kaya't minabuti ng pamunuan ng Tanghalang Anluwage, Inc. na ibahagi sa publiko ang aming pagsasaya sapagkat si Manong Piet, higit kaninuman ay GAGALANGINENO - SA PUSO, SA SALITA AT SA GAWA. ( Mk Flores )
Ang Gawad Kapatid o Kabsat sa salitang Ilokano ay handog ng mga taong nagmamahal sa iyo. Tinanong namin sila: IF YOU WERE TO GIVE MANONG PIET AN AWARD, WHAT WOULD IT BE AND WHY?
Eto ang kanilang sagot:
presented by
Asst. Dean Alicia M. Aguinaldo, Ph.D,
College of Science, UST
I would give Pietro a plaque, first, for his being a loving son and brother, and second for his being a devoted husband, and third, for being a sweet friend who is always smiling and willing to offer help even through prayers. We miss him and I wish him success, good health and happiness! Always!
presented by
Dr. Maribel G. Nonato
Professor of Chemistry
Research Center for the Natural Sciences
University of Santo Tomas
If I would give him an award it will be the "Most Cordial Person". He is the one person that I met with a ready smile always and a very pleasant personality.
Happy Birthday Piet!
presented by a fellow Anluwage

I would give him the “integrity award”. Nobody can question Manong Piet’s integrity, always truthful, role models moral soundness.
presented by his auntie
Piet is my number one candidate for the most COURTEOUS and most THOUGHTFUL awards. Happy birthday, PIET. Wishing all the best for you.
presented by classmate

Happy birthday, mate! Remember, Piets, during our sophomore year when WE uNANIMOUSLY WON the ONE-ACT PLAY Competition during the SCIENCE Week. WHO would EVER THOUGHT that people in CHEMISTRY have SUCH GREAT, ARTISITIC and UNTAPPED TALENTS !!!
Hugs n KISSES ...from the Supermodel and PrimaBallerina of the College of SCIENCE..hahaha - MIKO MARIE! Cheerrio!
Presented by a fellow Anluwage

For he is very loyal and faithful in his career,his friends, his church, his family and love ones....and i have proven it many times...i am just grateful to be one of his friends, you can surely count on him!.....he is a very good leader, he knows how to deal with people, "open-hand" to everyone and willing to share his talents and God-given gifts. I am just proud of this guy and i'm glad to what and who he is now. HAPPY BIRTHDAY PIETRO!
presented by a friend
I'm glad that you're setting up this pleasant surprise for a very, very dear friend. True, he has touched a lot of lives back home. And, I am one of them. Although his friends from Manila may not be able to celebrate this big day with him, I'm sure that, through this, we will be able to be a part of his celebration.
If I were to give Piets an award, it would revolve around the context of his ability to draw out the best in people and make this people believe in themselves. I can't think of an appropriate title at the moment.
Thanks for making my friend's birthday this year special.
presented by a relative
I'll give Manong piet...the Mr. Congeniality award hehehe....Manong Piet has many friends in Kawit....he is like a politician during campaign :) he greets everyone! he is a very nice person.
presented by a kumare

For Piet's birthday? I will give him the "MostThoughtful" award. Kase po kahit malayo na sya dito sa amin sa Manila, he always keep in touch. Yun nga lang napansin ko, parang ang dami nya ng utang sa inaanak nya, sa panganay ko, he he he he. Seriously, happy bday pare, wish ko na magkaron na rin kayo ng baby ni Mareng Nidz, of course good health & God Bless.
love & prayers,
dolor, george & kids
presented by a friend
I'll be sending Piet a picture of a crying boy because he seems not to be affected by anything that will make him cry for he IS ALWAYS SMILING!!!
Happy birthday, friend....ATTABOY!!!!
God bless and all the best.
Nori Tansio and family
presented by a friend
Siya na po ata ang may pinaka cute na smile na nakita ko sa mga friends. Nawawala ang mata pag tumatawa! And of course it shows how light he's dealing with his life... parang walang burden or problems etong taong eto. I admire him for that it shows everything is perfectlly allright with him and Nidz. He's full of light and spirit everytime you talked to him kasi di pa naguumpisa ang usapan naka smile na sya and he always have an answer to any querry. Happy Birthday Pietz and i hope you'll stay always as you are now and you know exactly what i really wish for you and Nidz!
presented by sister

Given the oppurtunity .... the award is best teacher in all aspects of life..he was my tutor especially during high school times... he helped me out especially in doing narrative reports... heheheh! miss you manong piet!He's such a great brother!
paramdam ka naman!
ela,joy, guian, luigi,& gabby
presented by his youngest sister

I am very fortunate to have a brother like him. I don't know how my life is gonna be without him. I owe him my life and even if we're oceans apart.. I think about him everyday. Manong Piet-- You are the WIND BENEATH MY WINGS!.. You are my hero and I LOVE YOU.. May God bless you always and HAPPY, HAPPY Birthday Manong!! I Miss you!
Manong Piet...,
I'll always remember how you used to give me money for my Christmas Shopping. And you'll buy me the nicest present for my Bday.It was cool!Kasi sa aming 4 ako lang palaging may gifts--I was spoiled... I gues bec. I'm the baby in the family and another most important reason... "MAGKAMUKHA KASI TAYO!"-- Admit it!!!
presented by his sister

I would still give him the "Charlie Chaplin Award"! It's classic because he's always being a boyscout carrying his umbrella wherever he goes and I cannot forget how corny that night was... as the Brits would say "bloody" corny. Hehehehe! I remember that night when I was an eight or a nine year old child... when he was paired with "Miss Beautiful Girl" (at the time Jose Mari Chan's hit song was also the title of an ST movie starring Gretchen Barretto & Romnick Sarmenta. I thought that awards night was hilarious! Lmao! But I was stuck at that party coz it seemed that I cannot be left home alone at the time coz Mama & Manang Basyon (the nanny) went out or sumthing. Ano bang org yun? Apostolado ng Panalangin Youth ata eh? Yeah! I think so, coz at the time there wasn't any Anluwage, di ba? Napaghahalata ang age natin. Hehehe!
Second award ni Manong Piet... dakilang taga-ubos ng pagkain ni Nicola & Kristina na hindi nila maubos-ubos (takaw-tingin kasi).
Third award... very loyal family guy! He's a very loving husband to my sis-in-law, a loving son to our mother & a very brave and protective Manong. Kaya hindi ako naligawan when I was still in ICAM. Hehehe! I have no regrets.
I love you Manong Piet!!! I miss you a lott! And please please please.... take the BS out of your name. Your name is Pietro Bernardino S. (Samaniego) Albano. To the editors/organizers/facilitators/coordinators of anluwage.com...pretty please save my eldest brother's name. It sounds so nice.. so strong (Pietro = Rock), so don't mess it up with some stinky BS if you know what I mean. Thank you!
Dear Pietro,
May God grant you abundant blessings for you and your family, keep you in good health and protect you from harm always.
Ninang Baby and Ninong Leony
Happy birthday to my brother Manong Piet!!!!
Miss na miss na kita mag iingat ka lagi ha? Keep in touch! Pray always.

your bro GiO
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Juan Luna Street used to be called Calle Anloague. Anloague means “carpenter”, the occupation of Gagalangin Parish’s Patron, St Joseph.
There are several streets in Gagalangin named after renowned Philippine provinces : Antipolo, Bulacan, Cavite, and Pampanga.
Tirso Cruz Street is named after Tirso Cruz Sr, famous musician and conductor, composer of Mabuhay March. Before the renaming, the street was called “Angat” a river found in Bulacan.
Rotonda was simply called as such until then Councilor Flaviano Concepcion Jr passed a resolution to have it named Plaza Francisco Balagtas in honour of the man who wrote “Florante at Laura”. His statue was actually at the centre of this roundabout long before having this official name. Strangely, it was recently renamed Plaza Vicente Del Fierro. Balagtas’ statue is nowhere to be found.

According to research, the first and second love of Francisco "Balagtas" Baltazar, Lucena and Bianang, respectively, are native beauties of Gagalangin.

Gagalangin Health Center’s official title is Atang de la Rama Health Center. Honorata “Atang” de la Rama, now a National Artist, was known in her time as “Zarzuela Queen”. She was a parishioner of St Joseph Parish Church and was privileged in many occasions to sing the “estrofa” of the “Imno sa Poong San Jose” during fiestas.

The first National Artist for Literature, Amado V. Hernandez, was the husband of Atang dela Rama, and author of the numerous nationalistic masterpieces such as Isang Dipang Langit, Kung Tuyo na ang Luha Mo, O Aking Bayan at Luha ng Buwaya. Their love nest was in Cavite Street, between Bato and Yangco Streets. More

Gagalangin's third National Artist, Rolando S. Tinio, was born in Benita Street. A playwright, thespian, poet, teacher, critic and translator, marked his career with prolific artistic productions. In his credits are: Sitsit sa Kuliglig, Dunung - Dunungan, Kristal na Uniberso, A Trick of Mirrors.

Musical genius Levi Celerio could be considered the fourth National Artist of Gagalangin for he's a certified "tambay" of Gagalangin. It's said that some of his inspirations were hailed from here.
St Rita Hospital College of Nursing and School of Midwifery’s old name was Scout Ramon V Albano Memorial College, in commemoration of Ramon, the founders’ fifth child who died in an airplane crash together with other Filipino Boy Scout delegates in July 1963.

Armando J. Malay, a giant in Philippine journalism and Philippine activism, whose career as educator and activist for press freedom spanned over six decades, was a very proud Gagalangineno and product of Torres High School. More
Pepe’s was an over-subscribed eatery found right across the Rotonda. One of its famous meals was pork barbeque. Nowadays, seafood barbeques like fish and squid have become popular. You can find them in Benita Street across a tapsilogan.
Sidecars were for private use only, until 1987, when high tides – regardless if it’s raining or not – became unbearable for residents. At present, you could see an array of sidecars along S del Rosario, Pampanga, T Earnshaw, and Cavite Streets.
In North Bay Boulevard, officially known as Don Honorio Lopez Boulevard, named after writer and philanthropist who lead the Katipunan's campaign in Tondo, we could still find the Post Office, China Bank, Ricardo’s, and Aroma.
In V del Fierro corner R Fernandez Streets, there used to stand a public library. On its ground floor was a barber shop. Among the barbers were During, Turing, and Pito.
( A production of Anluwage Research Unit )
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(Wholesome gimik tayo, Gagalanginenos!!!)

Tulungang makalaya ang cute na kangaroong ito sa pamamagitan ng pagsagot sa mga katanungan.
Madali lang 'to!
3D BOWLINGPulso at galing sa pagpindot ng mouse naman ang kailangan ng larong ito.Subukan na!
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"Joseph was chosen by the eternal Father as the trust worthy guardian and protector of his greatest treasures, namely, his divine Son and Mary, Joseph's wife. He carried out this vocation with complete fidelity until at last God called him, saying 'Good and faithful servant, enter into the joy of your Lord."
- St. Bernardine of Siena

Bilang isang bayan, sama-sama nating buoin ang proyektong ito.
This Pistang Bayan Week
When We Were Kids by Pietro S. Albano
It's Very Vladi by Mk Flores
Imno sa Poong San Jose
Alamat ng Sampaguita
Dekreto ng Paggalang by Hidalgo del Arrabal
Prayer for World Debt Day
BEFORE SUNDAYS: Mga Pagbasa para sa Pentecost Sunday
BITS AND BOBS: Born and Bred in Gagalangin
TANGGERO: Mga Multo sa Internet
FORWARDED: Payabangan ng 4 na Nanay
INFO ISANG MINUTO: Gagalangin Trivia

By Mk Flores
This 30 years old, 5 feet and seven inches guy, is facing maybe the wildest challenge of his life – leading Tanghalang Anluwage, Incorporated to survival. And he is doing fine.
As President, Vladimir Velarde Reyes was able to salvage the group from series of storms that almost “killed” it including the traumatic experiences brought by the Alzheimer’s-afflicted Saint Joseph de Gagalangin Parish Pastoral Council.
No doubt Vlad is Batang Promil. As if there was Promil 3 decades ago. He directs, write songs, does prop, voice-over announcing, musical scoring, light designing, choreograph, mind you, and a lot more. Name it and he can do it.
These are the collective Anluwage’s impression of our leader. Multi-media, di ba? But we are curious how this shy –but- malupit- sa- ideas single but taken guy doing outside Anluwage.
We snooped his Friendster.
A certain Portia, “Tama clang lahat, kuya ka nga ng bayan =).. saludo ako dyan pagdating sa computers, genius.. pagdating sa pagkain, aba, masasabing "may taste".. Mabait din at kapag nasa mood, mahilig mangulit at magpatawa.. kaya nga nagtataka kami.. kc hanggang ngayon single ka pa rin…"
"ahh,itong si vlad???? nkasabay ko to once ng sumakay ako sa jeep hanggang sa paglakad sa kahabaan ng quiapo (ppuntang lrt), di ko makakalimutan nung chinika nya ko at tnanong kong name nya. sabi ba nman: "vlad...mr dbm???".. syet, napaka privileged ko pla n nkilala ko cya noh?!?!? hehehe.. wlang kahilig-hilig mag text ang taong ito, parang galit sa load. pag nasa office, fan nman cya chika at YM. mdaming tanong yan, minsan pa nga prang di n nya alam ang gus2 nyang itanong sa kung sino mang gusto nyang pagtanungan (juni lee syndrome).. hilig din yan sa theater, cguro pti sa music.. ok n friend yan, inde yan pikon pag kinukulit ko.. u cud just imagine kung gano cya kabait no?!?!?!? god speed and c ya round buddy!!!!!!!!!" This is from Girlie, I presumed an officemate.
May revelation si Delyn: "we know him for his "green jokes." xadong artistic 2ng c kuya vlad...everytime may occasion sa DBM xa lagi ang pinapagawa ng mga cards and etc..(remember ung d ka nakakain???).nweiz, he's so bait. you won't regret na naging fwend mo 2. he's the best kuya for me. I find him sweet. miss na kita kuya vlad..lalo pag lunch time..tc always ha..whenever you need me,,jst txt me na lang(if ever u need me po!i know naman kc dmi nagmamahal sau!) god bless po...hope you find na the "right gurl" for you.hope u won't change kuya vlad...miss u! "
Sanch agrees, “the kuya i never had. he's the one who oriented me with this computer thing (how i remember the days when i go ohh and ahh over his knowledge on lotus and
wordstar:)). jack of all trades to! he plays the guitar, he acts on church plays, he bakes that good ol'pineapple upside down cake and the best of all...he took care of me, cang and egie during our growing up stage. kuyang-kuya talaga to. kelan kayo ako magkaka-ate? wehehehe...”
Danica has also something to say. ” kuya emir is very simple and very humble person.. bait bait yan at super galing mg-guitar.. wag nyo n tanungin kung magaling kumanta basta mgling cya mg guitar(hehehe!! joke lng pow!) syempre no, mgling umanta..(mahal bayad skin!). C nny ko ang k chismisan ng nny ni kuya emir kya nung mga maliliit p kme lagi kme andun s bhy nila(as if lumaki ko!! wheeheh)... kkmiss nga ung mga days n un e. Though ndi n tyo ngkikita,i will always treasure all the memories that we had before. Good luck s buhay buhay natin.. "
See? I’ve told you. Vlad is no ordinary humanoid. Green-minded pa pala. An excellent baker. At may pagkatsismoso rin. This is our President and we are very proud of him.
Let our founder, Art B. Reyes, close this article.
"Si Vlad? Naku, napakabait na kaibigan nito.. at napakagalante pa.. miss ko yung mga kuwento niya na hindi maubos-ubos.. at animated pa.. :) He is one of my treasured friends as we grew up and served in a church.. and take note that we both bear the same surname, Reyes.. though we're not related to each other, biologically..
How can I forget the Tanghalan and Ang Pahayagang Anluwage days, our musical play for our beloved patron, St. Joseph, the Pitong Hapis, Pitong Tuwa..? I still remember the songs that we wrote for that play.. I still sing them whenever I cherish the memories of our good old days.. This man is an actor too if you don't know.. He's a 3-in-1, as in he can act, direct, and play the sounds for the play.. No, he doesn’t sing well, I'm sorry for that.. :)
I vividly remember the play Sa Ngalan ng Ama wherein you had the role of a general.. At the end of the last act you were supposed to turn the table upside down because of anger, but you didn’t do that as you just carefully clobbered it instead.. The reason? There was a fried chicken at that table and it would be a waste just to throw it away.. The cast ate that chicken after the show to their delight.. I learned that it was your agreement with them... Hahahaha..
I still want to serve with you at the Cathedral.. I'll be on the first reading and psalms, and the rest are yours.. Of course, the commentator job is for Manong Piets... :) Oh, I really
miss that days and would want to do it once I come back there..! "
Happy Birthday, Sir Vlad!
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Imno Kay San Jose
(Please press the play button to repeat.)
Titik ni AMADO V. HERNANDEZ ( Pambansang Alagad ng Sining )
Isinaayos ni Arnold J. Vidar
O Poong San Jose
Pintakasing ibig,
Tanggulan at lakas,
Buong pananalig
Kami po'y ipag-adya
Sa mga panganib.
Kami nawa'y laging
Kupkupin ng langit.
O Poong San Jose
Na mapaghimala,
Sa mga panganib,
Sa hirap, sa digma!
Kami'y laging ligtas
Sa iyong andukha.
Kami'y laging ligtas
Sa iyong andukha.
Maligayang nayon
Itong Gagalangin.
Ang bawat pangarap,
Adhika't dalangin
Ay namumulaklak
Na parang bituin!
Ay namumulak
Na parang bituin!
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Born and Bred in Gagalangin

My British colleagues have described me to be polite or respectful. To which I answered, “I actually came from a place which called ‘respected’.” Ever since a child, I kept wondering why our town was named “Gagalangin”. Some may even find it hard to enunciate the name like my US-based cousin who once was heard to say “Galagalangin”. Of course, any fluent Filipino/Tagalog-speaking citizen would understand that the name came from the word “galang” (respect). During my stint as Editor of Ang Pahayagang Anluwage, I had a late afternoon chat with James and Felice Carls. During our conversation, the late Sir James told me that the reason behind the name was that the respected people of society (“iginagalang” or “kagalang-galang”) once lived here. This claim was bolstered by a book found by Anluwage colleagues at the National Library years ago. The book, which featured different districts of Manila, mentioned too that Gagalangin was a vast plantation of oranges (“dalanghita”) and other vegetables.
However, because the place is in the notorious district of Tondo, there has been a general perception that the town is riddled with crime, vice, and what-have –you. In effect you may ask “Meron pa bang maigagalang sa Gagalangin?” (Is there anything else respectable in Gagalangin?) Indeed, there came a time when Gagalangin became a haven for hoodlums. This may have begun when people from other parts of the country migrated to this “once marshy suburb” after World War II. Gone are the days when Gagalangin is called “Forbes Park ng Tondo”.
In spite of this harsh reality, Gagalangin has been a witness to many chapters of my life. I was born in St Rita Hospital, when people have hangover (after the fiesta) three decades ago. I received the Sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation in St Joseph Parish Church. My first attendance at Mass might have taken place in either the hospital chapel or the church. It wasn’t then surprising to see me serve in these places later on as religious affairs co-ordinator, teacher, and parish volunteer. I was even elected barangay councillor in the late 90s. I believe that through my service in Gagalangin I would be able to give something in return to my birthplace and hometown. On a more personal note, it was the place where romance blossomed between me and a delightful woman who would later become my spouse.
Gagalangin too is my teacher, a teacher who can, at times, be frank of speaking the truth no matter if I get hurt or not. One of her lessons challenged me a lot. Was it about getting rich or popular? Absolutely not! Her lecture reads: People may think I have lost my dignity. It’s never lost even if the rich and noble have gone elsewhere. My dignity is found in your heart, my son, and in the hearts of my other children. Live up to that dignity, wherever you may be.
What does Gagalangin have to say to you? Take the time to review your notes this fiesta, before the noise, food, or drinks get in your head!
Happy fiesta, fellow Gagalangineños!
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Pistang Sentenaryo, 'Yon na ba 'yon?
As usual, gahol na naman ako sa oras para sa deadline ko dito sa anluwage.com. Eto't nagkukumahog na naman ako sa pagsusulat. Ano bang magandang topic? Fiesta? Common na. Santa Cruzan? Kabi-kabila na yon? Tsismis?
Para umanong mapait na gamot ang ginawang pagbibitiw ni Bro. Totoy Santos, ang may-ari ng Santos Pharmacy, bilang taga-pangulo ng Special Ministers of the Eucharist ng Saint Joseph de Gagalangin Parish kamakailan. Ayon sa ating mga espiya, may kinalaman diumano rito ang kanilang pagtatalo ng ating Kura Paroko tungkol sa tamang kuwalipikasyon upang maging isang Lay Minister.
Kailan kaya ang talab ng gamot?
Speaking of Kura Paroko, hindi na mabilang sa kamay ang nagpapahayag umano ng kanilang pagkadismaya sa paraan ng pagpapatakbo ng ating Parokya. May nakarating pa sa ating sitsit na 3 na umanong petisyon ang naihain sa tanggapan ng Vicar Forane ng Vicariate of the Holy Spirit laban sa ating Kura. Isa na umano rito ang naibasura dahil sa kakulangan ng merito.
Ang masasabi ko? BELAAAT!!!
Alalahanin natin na ang mga Kura Paroko ay hindi mga pangkaraniwang opisyal na basta na lamang mapapatalsik sa pamamagitan ng mga petisyon-petisyon. Sila ay itinatalaga ng Arsobispo upang maging kinatawan niya sa mga parokya. Kailangan ng matinding dahilan upang gumawa ng aksiyon ang Arsobispo.
Anong masasabi ko? Try and try until you success. Wakikiki!!!
Ang anluwage.com ay naniniwala sa lakas ng katotohanan lamang. Inilalabas ko ang mga tsismis na ito hindi upang magkalat ng tsismis o mga balitang hilaw sa katotohanan. Ipinapain natin ang mga sitsit na ito upang mapilitang lumutang ang katotohanan.
Blah, blah, blah!!!
Teka, naubusan na naman kami ng Gasul. Bibili muna ako. For the meantime, iri-recycle ko muna yung luma kong article pampiyesta para sa mga di nakabasa nito noon. OK?
Happy Fiesta? Sige na nga. Happy Fiesta na! Wala tayong magagawa. Ito na yun- Pistang Sentenaryo.
Ilang mga pagmumuni-muni ko tungkol sa Gagalangin:
BARMAT - Pasensiya na pero talagang Baryo Matae ang tawag sa isang lugar na ito sa Gagalangin. Di ko na papangalanan kung saan ito dahil takot akong mapana. Basta ang alam ko kailangan mong ingatan ang bawat hakbang mo sa lugar na ito dahil kung hindi tiyak shet na malagket ang dadampi sa tsinelas o sapatos mo. Normal na eksena na rito tuwing umaga: mga bagong gising na bata, pupungas-pungas na lumalabas mula sa kanilang bahay, uupo sa kung saan nila gusto at saka buong pwersang ibabagsak ang kanilang “sama ng loob.”
ROTONDA – Plaza Balagtas daw ngayon courtesy of Councilor Jhun Concepcion. Sa pinakasentro nito ay ang monumento ni Gat. Franciso “ Balagtas” Baltazar. Minsan isang bagong taon, may mga “cute ang inang” mga tinedyer ang nag-trip. Galit siguro sa haba ng Florante at Laura kaya tinaniman ng “Super-lolo” ang monumento at saka sinindihan. Kawawang Balagtas, leeg na lang ang natira.
BAWAL MAGTAPON NG BASURA DITO – Hanggang ngayon niri-research ko pa rin sa National Library kung sino ang nakaimbento ng mga salitang ito. Gusto ko kasing malaman kung noong imbentuhin niya ito ay kasama ang salitang “bawal.” Kasi kung saan merong ganitong paskil, doon naman maraming tambak na basura.
NORTH BAY POST OFFICE – Only in Gagalangin kaya may nakataling aso sa pintuan ng post office, katabi ng nagtitinda ng sigarilyo? WELCOME! ( Nga pala, noon yon, ha? Buhay pa ba yung aso o napulutan na? )
SI ALING CHING AT SI ALING LINDA - Ang pinakapaborito kong malulusog na tindera ng baboy at baka sa Pamilihang Bayan ng Pampanga.
KUMUNOY, HALIGING BATO, SUNOG-APOG - Saan? Kada dadaan ako sa Kalye Bulacan, sa gilid ng Torres High School, hinahanap ko yung kumunoy pero di ko naman Makita. Bakit kaya tinawag na Kumunoy ang lugar na ito? Ganoon din sa Kalye Pampanga, sa likod ng Jollibee at 7-Eleven; Haliging-Bato ang tawag , di ko naman alam kung bakit. Ganoon din sa kalye sa pagitan ng Laurel High School at talipapa; Sunog-Apog ang tawag samantalang wala namang sunog.
PARAISO – Ang palaruan ng mga bata malapit sa Hermosa. Wala doon sina Eba at Adan, ha?! Di ba pinalayas nga?
LUZON - Sa Gagalangin, wala pang isang oras ay malilibot mo na ang halos buong Luzon. Umpisahan mo sa Pampanga, kilalang bilihan ng pasalubong na buko at lugaw ni Jossa. Daan ka sa Bulacan at makitambay sa mga estudyante ng Osmena. Tapos daan ka sa Cavite. Wala lang. Daan ka lang. Wala naman kasing anting-anting dito. Then diretso ka na sa Laguna Extension para mag-horse back riding. Daming kuwadra ng kabayo doon. Since malapit ka na sa Batangas, why not? Kaso di na yata sakop ng Gagalangin iyon.

MULTO SA INTERNET.Ilang email ang natanggap ko recently about this picture. Na kesyo kailangan ko raw i-send ito sa 13 email address bago dumating ang Biyernes, May 13 at kung hindi ay mamamatay daw ako.
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Juan Luna Street used to be called Calle Anloague. Anloague means “carpenter”, the occupation of Gagalangin Parish’s Patron, St Joseph.
There are several streets in Gagalangin named after renowned Philippine provinces : Antipolo, Bulacan, Cavite, and Pampanga.
Tirso Cruz Street is named after Tirso Cruz Sr, famous musician and conductor, composer of Mabuhay March. Before the renaming, the street was called “Angat” a river found in Bulacan.
Rotonda was simply called as such until then Councilor Flaviano Concepcion Jr passed a resolution to have it named Plaza Francisco Balagtas in honour of the man who wrote “Florante at Laura”. His statue was actually at the centre of this roundabout long before having this official name. Strangely, it was recently renamed Plaza Vicente Del Fierro. Balagtas’ statue is nowhere to be found.

According to research, the first and second love of Francisco "Balagtas" Baltazar, Lucena and Bianang, respectively, are native beauties of Gagalangin.

Gagalangin Health Center’s official title is Atang de la Rama Health Center. Honorata “Atang” de la Rama, now a National Artist, was known in her time as “Zarzuela Queen”. She was a parishioner of St Joseph Parish Church and was privileged in many occasions to sing the “estrofa” of the “Imno sa Poong San Jose” during fiestas.

The first National Artist for Literature, Amado V. Hernandez, was the husband of Atang dela Rama, and author of the numerous nationalistic masterpieces such as Isang Dipang Langit, Kung Tuyo na ang Luha Mo, O Aking Bayan at Luha ng Buwaya. Their love nest was in Cavite Street, between Bato and Yangco Streets. More

Gagalangin's third National Artist, Rolando S. Tinio, was born in Benita Street. A playwright, thespian, poet, teacher, critic and translator, marked his career with prolific artistic productions. In his credits are: Sitsit sa Kuliglig, Dunung - Dunungan, Kristal na Uniberso, A Trick of Mirrors.

Musical genius Levi Celerio could be considered the fourth National Artist of Gagalangin for he's a certified "tambay" of Gagalangin. It's said that some of his inspirations were hailed from here.
St Rita Hospital College of Nursing and School of Midwifery’s old name was Scout Ramon V Albano Memorial College, in commemoration of Ramon, the founders’ fifth child who died in an airplane crash together with other Filipino Boy Scout delegates in July 1963.

Armando J. Malay, a giant in Philippine journalism and Philippine activism, whose career as educator and activist for press freedom spanned over six decades, was a very proud Gagalangineno and product of Torres High School. More
Pepe’s was an over-subscribed eatery found right across the Rotonda. One of its famous meals was pork barbeque. Nowadays, seafood barbeques like fish and squid have become popular. You can find them in Benita Street across a tapsilogan.
Sidecars were for private use only, until 1987, when high tides – regardless if it’s raining or not – became unbearable for residents. At present, you could see an array of sidecars along S del Rosario, Pampanga, T Earnshaw, and Cavite Streets.
In North Bay Boulevard, officially known as Don Honorio Lopez Boulevard, named after writer and philanthropist who lead the Katipunan's campaign in Tondo, we could still find the Post Office, China Bank, Ricardo’s, and Aroma.
In V del Fierro corner R Fernandez Streets, there used to stand a public library. On its ground floor was a barber shop. Among the barbers were During, Turing, and Pito.
( A production of Anluwage Research Unit )
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We Were
By Pietro BS Albano

It was in the early 80s when it started to flood --- on a sunny day, mind you! It becomes worse when rains started to pour. These high tides came even during Christmastime. Actually, they start to arrive in May. Strangely, people managed to have their firecrackers lit during New Year’s Eve. So used have we been to them that whenever the year ends, we looked forward to our Chinaman neighbour’s calendar gifts with high tide predictions. Streets near the Estero de Sunog Apog like Gapan, T Earnshaw, Cavite, V del Fierro, and Antipolo were virtually erased from the map of Gagalangin at certain times of the day (or night) whenever the sea level rises.
It was a patintero with the grimy waters. You have to wake up early for work or church before seeing a millilitre of flood. One time I went to church wearing short pants. I later washed and changed before serving at Mass. On occasions that I have to go to church or elsewhere and go home late at night, I have to fold my pants – thank God they’re loose! – several times before I started to test the waters. They’re cool at times, but I was afraid to stay for long lest I fall prey to leptospirosis.
When T Earnshaw St was up to its eyeballs, I have to go to Rotonda to catch a jeepney. On the transport, you could hear various stories from co-passengers who braved the floods. Jeepney drivers are known to be wise guys every time this catastrophe hits the town. There’s re-routing to this and that street and before you know it, you’re either in Balut or back to Blumentritt.
Gagalanginenos were resourceful though; the sidecar became real and made its dwelling among us! However, you have to pray hard that the chap on the wheel won’t slap you with an exorbitant fee.
Yet floods have been a headache across Manila. After Gagalanginenos went through with the floods in their own yard, here comes another treat in Blumentritt: flood plus a network of neighbours. One home along the riles would welcome you into their abode so you can cross through a makeshift bridge to another home. Just don’t forget to drop your piso in the collection tabo.
People tended to say nasty things about Gagalangin being a flooded area. That’s already history. Now we are grateful that things got better when a pumping system was introduced in the early 90s. So successful it has been that Gagalangin remained “dry” while its neighbours submerge in water. I just hope that both the government and people would cooperate in maintaining and upgrading this project for years and generations to come. I hope too that this respected district of Manila will rise from the other floods that have inundated it up to this time: poverty, drugs, materialism, and dirty politics.
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Dekreto ng Paggalang
By Hidalgo Del Arrabal
Igalang mo ang iyong sarili. Ito ang basehan para igalang mo ang iba at igalang ka rin nila.
Igalang mo ang iyong katawan at kaluluwa. Pag-aari’t pamamahay sila ng Dakilang Lumikha.
Igalang mo ang kalikasan. Isa siyang magandang pamana sa iyong mga anak.
Igalang mo ang mga nakatatanda sa iyo. Nadaanan na nila ang landas na ngayon mo palang natututuhang tahakin.
Igalang mo ang mga nakababata sa iyo. Minsan ka ring naging gaya nila: puno ng buhay, lakas, at ideya; pero nangangailangan ng suporta at wastong halimbawa.
Igalang mo ang mga kababaihan. Sikapin mong masilayan sa kanila ang sarili mong ina o kapatid. Igalang mo ang mga dukha, naulila, at may-sakit. Gamitin mo ang iyong kakayahan at kalusugan para mapalaya sila sa kanilang kalagayan.
Igalang mo ang mga biktima ng intriga at kawalan ng katarungan. Iwasan mong makiisa sa mga taong umuusig sa kanila.
Igalang mo ang iyong mga pinuno. Di birong responsibilidad ang nakapatong sa kanilang balikat, makiisa ka sa pagpasan nito.
Igalang mo ang iyong mga pinamumunuan. Sagutin mo sila sa Araw ng Paghuhusga.
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Ang Alamat ng Sampaguita
Ang sampaguita, na ating pambansang bulaklak, ay may iniingatang isang magandang alamat. Ang dalawang pangunahing tauhan ay bibigyan natin ng mga makabagong pangalan, bagaman ayon sa matatanda, ang mga tagpong inilalarawan sa kuwento ay nangyari noong bago pa dumating dito sa atin ang mga Kastila.
Noo'y panahon pa ng mga baranggay at datu. Ang Balintawak at ang Gagalangin ay baranggay na magkapit-bahay. Sa pagitan ay may isang matibay na bakod na yari sa mga pinatuyong kawayan , na tuwing limang taon ay ginigiba at pinapalitan. Kung minsan, ang nagpapalit ay ang mga kawal ng datu sa Gagalangin; kung minsan naman ay ang mga kawal ng datu sa Balintawak. Ngunit ang lahat ay gumagawa alinsunod sa utos ng kani-kanilang puno.
Ang datu ng Balintawak ay mayroon daw isang anak na dalaga na walang pangalawa sa kagandahan, maging sa mukha at sa pag-uugali. Ang ngalan niya ay Rosita, wala na siyang ina, datapuwa't mayroon siyang apat na abay na pawang mga dalaga rin; sila ang nag-aasikaso sa kanyang mga pangangailangan. Maraming binatang nagingibig sa kanya, ngunit ang nakabihag ng kanyang mailap na puso ay ang anak na binata ng datu ng Gagalangin na nangangalang Delfin.
Nakapagtataka kung bakit gayong ang kanilang mga ama ay mahigpit na magkaaway ay sila'y tinubuan ng pag-ibig sa isa't isa. Marangal ang pag-ibig ni Delfin kay Rosita -- walang halong pag-iimbot, alang ano mang masamang hangarin. Sa isang sulok ng bakod ng hanggahan natatabingan ng malagong halaman, si Delfin ay gumagawa ng isang lihim na lagusan kanyang madaraanan. Kaya't kung gabing maliwanag ang buwan, malimit daw magpasayal sila ni Rosita, kasama ang mga abay na dalaga. Sinasamyo nila ang malinis na simoy ng kabukiran at pinanonood nila ang kaayaayang mukha ng buwan. Ang pag-iibigan nilang iyon ay lingid sa kaalaman ng kanilang mga magulang.
Minsan, nabalitaan ng datu ng Gagalangin na ang hanggahang bakod ay binubuwag at pinapalitan ng mga taga-Balintawak. Nag-utos siya sa ilan niyang mga tauhan upang magmasid sa ginagawang pagbabakod ng mga taga-Balintawak. Nang sila'y magbalik, tumanggap siya ng balita na ang bagong bakod na itinatayo ay iniusod nang may limang talampakan sa dako ng Gagalangin, at samakatuwid ay nakakakuha sa kanilang lupa. Agad siyang nagpautos sa datu ng Balintawak.
"Sabihin ninyo," anya sa mga utusan, " na ibalik ang bakod sa dating kintatayuan. Hindi matuwid ang kanilang ginagawa, sapagka't tunay na isang pagnanakaw."
Nagalit ang datu ng Balintawak nang humarap sa kanya ang mga sugong buhat sa Gagalangin at sabihin sa kanya ang bilin ng datu roon. "Sabihin niyo sa inyong datu," ang wika niya sa mga sugo," na ako'y hindi magnanakaw. Ang bakod ay binabalik ko lamang sa dapat kalagyan ayon sa natuklasan kong mga kasulatan ng aking mga nuno."
Ipinag-alab ng loob ng ama ni Delfin ang tinanggap niyang balita. Sa gayung mga alitan, ang karaniwang nagiging hangganan ay digmaan.
Inihanda ng datu ng Gagalangin ang kanyang mga hukbo. Kailangang bawiin niya sa pamamagitan ng patalim ang lupang sa palagay niya ay ninakaw sa kanya. Nang mabalitaan ng datu ng Balintawak na ang Gagalangin ay naghahanda upang siya ay digmain, iginayak din niya ang kanyang mga kawal. Nang malapit na ang araw ng paglusob ng hukbo ng Gagalangin sa mga taga-Balintawak, ang datu ay biglang dinapuan ng isang mahiwagang karamdaman at di nagtagal ay namatay. Naiwan kay Delfin ang isang mabigat na panagutan: siya ang magiging heneral ng hukbo ng Gagalangin.
Nang makarating sa kaalaman ni Rosita ang bagay na ito, siya'y kinabahan. Si Delfin ay batang-bata at wala pang gaanong karanasan sa digmaan, samatalang ang kanyang ama ay nahasa na sa maraming pakikilaban sapul pagkabata. Gayon na lamang ang kanyang pag-aalala. Ibig sana niyang magkausap sila ni Delfin upang ito'y himuking iurong na ang digmaan at mapayapang pakipag-usapan sa ama niya ang lahat. Datapuwa't wala na silang panahon upang magkausap pa. Kinabukasan noo'y lalabas na sa larangan ang kanyang ama sa unahan ng isang malaking hukbo.
Naging madugo ang labanan nang magsagupa ang dalawang hukbo. Maraming nalagas sa magkabilang panig. Si Delfin ay natadtad ng sugat , at dahil sa masaganang dugong nawala sa kanya, siya'y nabuwal na lamang at sukat sa lupa. Bago siya nalagutan ng hininga, ipinagbilin niya sa kanyang mga kawal na doon siya ilibing sa tabi ng hanggahang bakod, malapit sa lihim na lagusang dinaraanan niya kung gabing maliwanag ang buwan at sila ni Rosita, kasama ng mga abay nito, ay mapayapang namamasyal sa makapal na damuhan.
Hindi nabanggit ng mga matatandang nagkuwento ang sinapit na buhay ng dalawang magsing-ibig, kung ano ang naging hanggahan ng labanan. Ang sabi lamang nila ay ganito : nang mabalitaan ni Rosita ang pagkamatay ni Delfin sa labanan, ang dalaga'y nagkasakit sa matinding dalamhati. Nagpatawag ng magagaling na mangagamot ang datung ama niya, ngunit sino man sa kanila'y hindi nakapagpagaling sa kaawa-awang dalaga. Unti-unti itong pinanawan ng lakas. Nang sa palagay ni Rosita ay hindi siya magtatagal, hiningi niya sa kanyang ama na ang bangkay niya'y doon lamang ilibing sa tabi ng pinaglibingan kay Delfin. Masaklap man sa kalooban ng datu, pinagbigyan niya ang kahilingan ng minamahal niyang anak.
Maraming taon ang lumipas mula noon. Nawala na ang mga baranggay at dumating na ang mga Kastila. Naitatag na ang siyudad ng Maynila. At buhat noo'y marami ng tao sa Balintawak at sa Gagalangin. Ngunit ang mga tao sa dalawang pook na ito ay naliligalig sa isang mahiwagang bagay. Kung buwan daw ng Mayo, lalu na kung mga gabing maliwanag ang buwan, may mahiwagang tinig na naririnig ang nagsisipanirahan sa may pagitan ng ng dalawang nayong naturan. Ang tinig ay waring sa isang babae at malambing daw na parang marahang bulong ng panggabing hanging humahalik sa mga dahon ng halaman. "Sumpa kita! ...Sumpa kita!" ang winiwika raw ng tinig. Ngunit ang mga tao, kung minsa't sila'y nagbabantay, ay wala namang nakikita. Napansin nila na ang waring nagmumula sa isang masukal na dako, na sinibulan ng dalawang puno ng halamang ang mga bulaklak ay may kaliitan datapuwa't maputi, maraming talulot at ang iwing bango'y pambihira. Ganyan ang lagi nang nasasaksihan ng mga tao roon kung buwan ng Mayo, taun-taon.
Sa di-kawasa'y naisipan nilang hukayin ang dalawang halamang iyon upang matuklasan ang hiwaga ng malambing na tinig at ang kahulugan ng mga salitang sinasambit. Hindi naman sila gaanong naghirap. Nguni't ang kanilang pagtataka'y lalo pang nadagdagan nang makita nilang ang dalwang puno ng mababangong halaman ay nagmumula sa mga bibig ng dalawang bungong hindi gaanong nagkakalayo sa pagkakabaon, at nakakabit pa rin sa kalansay. Ngayo'y nanariwa sa alala ng mga matatanda ang kasaysayan ng dalawang kapos-palad - Si Delfin at si Rosita. Samantala....
Ang kuwento'y nagkasalin-salin sa maraming bibig, at ang "Sumpa kita!" na inihahatid ng panggabing simoy sa pandinig ng mga nagmamatyag ay naging "Sampaguita" , na siyang iningalan na tuloy sa mahalimuyak na bulaklak ng halamang tumutubo sa libing ng magsing-irog.
Courtesy of
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anluwage1@yahoo.com )
Pagalingan ng Anak!

May apat na mga mothers na proud na proud sa kanilang mga anak na naging mga pari't obispo na.
Sabi ng isang mother: "Alam n'yo, proud na proud ako sa anak kong pari. Dahil ‘pag nakikita siya ng mga tao ang tawag sa kanya ay ‘Reverend Father'".
Sabi ni second mother: "Mas proud ako sa anak ko, dahil pag nakikita siya ng mga tao ang tawag lagi nila sa kanya ay "Your Excellency'".
Ang sabi naman ni third mother: "Wala yan! Mas mahusay ang anak ko at mas proud ako sa kanya dahil kahit saan siya magpunta nagtitilian ang mga tao at ang itinatawag sa kanya ay ‘Your Holinness'".
Pasok naman ang fourth mother at ang sabi niya: "Mga kumare, nakita na ba ninyo ang anak ko?
Hindi pa! Sagot nila.
At itinuro niya ang kanyang anak at sabay-sabay nilang sinabing: "Oh my God!"
Click here for more
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(Wholesome gimik tayo, Gagalanginenos!!!)

Tulungang makalaya ang cute na kangaroong ito sa pamamagitan ng pagsagot sa mga katanungan.
Madali lang 'to!
3D BOWLINGPulso at galing sa pagpindot ng mouse naman ang kailangan ng larong ito.Subukan na!
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Prayer for World Debt Day
(16 May 2005)
Grant me your Spirit
God grant me the spirit of courage,
that I may have the strength to fight injustice.
Give me the spirit of challenge,
that I may not accept the status quo without question.
Give me the spirit of compassion,
That I may see the world from other people's viewpoint.
I ask for the spirit of gentleness, that I may listen to the voice of the poor
without trampling on their dreams in my rush to action.
God grant me your Spirit,
The spirit of truth, justice, and hope
That I may rest and work in the vision of a new future
Where all are linked by the bonds of humanity
Not enslaved by the chains of debt. Amen.
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"Ubus-ubos biyaya, maya-maya ay nakatunganga."
- Salawikaing Pilipino
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